李昕潔 教授

- Machine Learning 機器學習
- Computational Intelligence and Decision Support System 計算智慧與決策支援系統
- Artificial Intelligence人工智慧– Smart Healthcare 智慧醫療& Fintech 金融科技
- Data Science 資料科學
- Technology Policy 科技政策
- 英國曼徹斯特大學- 電腦科學(機器學習與優化組) 博士
- 英國劍橋大學- 科技政策研究碩士
- 英國雪菲爾大學- 電腦科學(高階軟體工程組) 科學工程碩士
- Outstanding Academic Achievement of Queens’ College, University of Cambridge 2012
- 計算機概論
- 資訊科技導論
- 機器學習演算法與應用
- 科技管理與科技政策議題
- 人工智慧之商業應用
- 科技與邏輯
- 離散數學
- 統計學
- He Z., Nan F., Li X., Lee S. -J., Yang Y. (2020). Traffic Sign Recognition by Combining Global and Local Features Based on Semi-supervised Classification. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 323-330. (SCI).
- Hsu, P. -Y., Yeh, I. -W., Tseng, C. -H., Lee, S. -J.*(2020). A Boosting Regression Based Method to Evaluate the Vital Essence in Semiconductor Industry Performance. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 156208-156218. (SCI). MOST 109-2221- E-009-098.
- Jiang, Q., Jin, X., Chen, G., Lee, S. -J., Wu, L. (2020). Two-Scale Decomposition-based Multifocus Image Fusion Framework Combined with Image Morphology and Fuzzy Set Theory. Information Sciences, vol. 541, pp. 442-474. (SCI).
- Lee, S. -J.#, Tseng, C. -H., Lin, G. T. –R., Yang, Y., Yang, P., Muhammad, K. P., Hari, M. (2020). A Dimension-Reduction based Multilayer Perception Method for Supporting the Medical Decision Making. Pattern Recognition Letters, vol. 131, p.p 15-22. (SCI). MOST 108-2218-E-009-041.
- Liu, D. -R., Lee, S. -J., Huang, Y., Chiu, C. -J. (2020). Air Pollution Forecasting based on Attention-based LSTM Neural Network and Ensemble Learning. Expert Systems, 2020;37:e12511. (SCI).
- Tseng, C. -H., Lee, S. -J.*, Cheng, P. -W, Lee, C., Hung, C. -C. (2020). A Novel Method of Fuzzy Topic Modeling based on Transformer Processing. Asian Journal of Information and Communications, Vol.12, No. 1, 125-140. MOST 108-2218-E-009-041.
- Wu, M., Jin, X., Jiang, Q., Lee, S. J., Yao, S. (2020). Remote Sensing Image Colorization Using Symmetrical Multi-Scale DCGAN in YUV Color Space. Visual Computer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-020-01933-2. (SCI).
- Xie, W., Pu, B., Pei, C., Lee, S. -J., Kang, Y. (2020). A Novel Mutual Fractional Grey Bernoulli Model With Differential Evolution Algorithm and Its Application in Education Investment Forecasting in China. IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 97839- 97850. (SCI). MOST 108-2218-E-009-041.
- Jiang, Q., Jin, X., Lee, S. -J., Yao, S. (2019). A new similarity/distance measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on the transformed isosceles triangles and its applications to pattern recognition. Expert Systems With Applications, vol. 116, pp. 439-453. (SCI).
- Lai, C. –H., Lee, S. -J.*, Huang, H. –L. (2019). A social recommendation method based on the integration of social relationship and product popularity. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 121, pp. 42-57. (SCI).
- Lee, Z. -Y., Lee, S. -J., Lin, G. T. -R. (2019). Technology Function Analysis of Patent and Development Strategy for Robot Visual Servo. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, vol. 78, pp. 408-410. (SCI).
- Wu, L. -X., Lee, S. -J.*(2019). A Deep Learning-Based Strategy to the Energy Management – Advice for Time-of-Use Rate of Household Electricity Consumption. Journal of Internet Technology, vol. 21, no. 1 , pp. 305-311. (SCI). MOST 108-2218-E-009-041.
- Ho, W. C., Lee, A. W., Lee, S. –J., Lin, G. T. –R. (2018). The Application of Quality Function Deployment to Smart Watches – The House of Quality for Improved Product Design. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 149-152. (SCI).
- Jiang, Q., Jin, X., Hou, J., Lee, S. -J.*, Yao, S. (2018). Multi-Sensor Images Fusion based on Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Regional Features in Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform Domain. IEEE Sensors journal, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 2494-2505. (SCI).
- Jin, X., Jiang, Q., Yao, S., Zhou, D., Nie, R., Lee, S. –J., He, K. (2018). Infrared and Visual Images Fusion Method Based on Discrete Cosine Transform and Local Spatial Frequency in Discrete Stationary Wavelet Transform Domain. Infrared Physics & Technology, vol. 88, pp. 1-12. (SCI).
- Lee, S. –J.#, Xu, Z., Li, T., Yang, Y. (2018). A Novel Bagging C 4.5 Algorithm Based on Wrapper Feature Selection for Supporting Wise Clinical Decision Making. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 78, pp. 144-155. (SCI).
- Lee, S. -J.#, Chen, T., Yu. L., Lai, C. –H. (2018). Image Classification Based on the Boost Convolutional Neural Network. IEEE Access Journal, vol. 6, pp. 12755-12768. (SCI).
- Lee, Z. -Y., Lin, G. T. -R., Lee, S. -J. (2018). Measuring Dynamic Operation Efficiency for Universal Top 10 TFT-LCDs by Improved Data Envelopment Analysis. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, vol. 77, pp. 447-450. (SCI).
- Jiang, Q., Jin, X., Lee, S. -J.*, Yao, S. (2017). A Novel Multi-Focus Images Fusion Method based on Stationary Wavelet Transform and Local Features of Fuzzy Sets. IEEE Access Journal, vol. 5, pp. 20286-20302. (SCI).
- Jiang, Q., Jin, X., Lee, S. -J.*, Yao. S. (2017). Protein Secondary Structure Prediction: A Survey of the State of the Art. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, vol. 76, pp. 379-402. (SCI).
- Jin, X., Jiang, Q., Chen, Y., Lee, S. –J., Nie, R., Yao, S., Zhou, D., He, K. (2017). Similarity/Dissimilarity Calculation Methods of DNA Sequences: A Survey. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, vol. 76, pp. 342-355. (SCI).
- Lee, S. –J.#, Lin, G. T. –R., Li, C., His, P. H. (2017). The Development of Artificial Life and Its Relationship with Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, vol. 76, no. 10, pp. 605-607. (SCI).
- Lee, S. –J.#, Lin, G. T. –R., Yu, W. H. (2017). The Strategic Analysis of Driving Forces Determining Success for a Console Manufacturer in the Console Market – the Positioning Strategy of Nintendo. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, vol. 76, no. 11, pp. 681-684. (SCI).
- Lee, S. -J.#, Lin, G. T. –R., Hsi, P. –H. (2017). Industrial Cluster Development and Its Contribution to Economic Growth in Taiwan – Hsinchu Science and Industrial Park. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, vol. 76, no. 5, pp. 273-278. (SCI).
- Wang, S. and Lee, S. -J.* (2012). A Robust Boosting by Using an Adaptive Weight Scheme. Cybernetics and Systems, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 567-584. (SCI)
- Lee, S. -J.#*, Zeng, X. -J. and Wang, H. S. (2009). Generating automatic fuzzy system from relational database system for estimating null values. Cybernetics and Systems, vol.40,no.6, pp. 528-548. (SCI)
- 黃珊珊, 江倩, 金鑫, 李昕潔, 姚紹文(2020年)。基於雙胞胎結構與生成對抗網路的半監督遙感圖像融合。計算機輔助設計與圖形學學報,vol. 32, pp. 1- 14。(EI)
- 許召召, 李京華, 陳同林, 李昕潔*(2018年)。融合SMOTE與Filter-Wrapper的樸素貝葉斯決策樹演算法及其應用。計算機科學,45(9):65-69。(中國核心期刊)
- 學歷著作 Conference Proceedings:
- Huang, J., Jin, X., Fang, D., Lee, S. -J. (2020). New Entropy and Distance Measures of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets . 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), Glasgow, U.K..
- Tseng, C. -H, Lee, S. -J.*(2020). Ternary Generative Adversarial Networks. 2020 International Conference on Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Applications (ICMA 2020), Kyoto, Japan. MOST 108-2218-E-009-041.
- Kang, Y., Li, J., Lee, S. -J.*, Li, H. (2019). Generative Adversarial Network-Based Regional Epitaxial Traffic Flow Prediction. The International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD 2019).
- Wu, L. -X., Lee, S. -J.*(2019). A Deep Learning-Based Strategy to the Energy Management – Advice for Time-of-Use Rate of Household Electricity Consumption. International Conference on Innovative Computing and Management Science 2019, Osaka, Japan. MOST 108-2218-E-009-041.
- Wu, M., Jin, X., Jiang, Q., Lee, S. -J., Guo, L., Di,. Y., Huang, S., Huang, J. (2019). Remote Sensing Image Colorization Based on Multiscale SEnet GAN. 2019 12th International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (CISP-BMEI), Suzhou, China.
- Lee, S. –J.#, Lin, G. T. –R. (2018). A novel method for null values estimation in relational database systems by a new clustering technique. International Conference on Information Society and Smart Cities 2018. (ISC 18), Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- Lee, A. –W, Lin, G. T. -R, Kuo, W, -H, Lee, S. -J. (2017). The Application of Quality Function Deployment to Smartwatches: The House of Quality for Improved Product Design. Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology 2017 (PICMET’17), Portland, USA.
- Lee, S. -J.#andLim, S. S. (2016). A hybrid scheme based on fuzzy inference systems and its application to Industry 4.0 – recipe simplification. 2016 International Symposium on Semiconductor Manufacturing Intelligence (ISMI 2016), Hsinchu, Taiwan.
- Lee, S. -J.#and Zeng, X. -J. (2012). A similarity-based learning algorithm for fuzzy system identification with a two-layer optimization scheme. In: Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2012), 2012 IEEE International Conference on.10-15 June 2012. pp. 1-8.
- Lee, S. -J.#and Zeng, X. -J. (2010). A three-part input-output clustering-based approach to fuzzy system identification. In Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 55-60.
- Lee, S.-J.#and Zeng, X.-J. (2008). A modular method for estimating null values in relational database systems. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, vol.2. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China, pp. 415-419.